About the Club

Who’s who

Chris Warrell

Chris Warrell
Founder, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor

Brian Leach

Brian Leach

Tim Surtell

Tim Surtell
Webmaster, Show Organiser

The South East London Meccano Club was formed in 1976 to give Meccano enthusiasts in the area a chance to meet and swap ideas.

We have about 40 members of all ages, and it doesn’t matter if you are an experienced modeller or someone starting with their very first set. By the way, you don’t actually have to build Meccano models to join the club — although it is better that you do; the meetings would be dull otherwise — but some members prefer to collect rare parts or sets, or are interested in Meccano literature. In fact, the club is open to anyone, male or female, with an interest in Meccano.

Club members at our 40th anniversary meeting in 2016
Club members at our 40th anniversary meeting in 2016

Our annual subscription is £10.00 for adult/family membership. You are welcome to visit our meetings, and only if your visits become frequent or regular will you be expected to become a member and thus contribute to the club’s expenses.

We hold four club meetings and a public exhibition each year — our AGM is in January, the Geoff Carter Cup and Adrian Ashford Award competitions are held biennially in June, and our Meccano Show is usually in October.

We also attend many free local events and festivals, so keep checking our events page to find out where you can see us next!

At our informal meetings members may bring along their latest models (completed, or in whatever unfinished state they may be in at the time!) and all are given the chance to give a short talk about them.

Our resident Meccano dealer Ted Muggridge brings new and used parts for sale, and there will be light refreshments available too.

Prior to each meeting I define a ‘Secretary’s Challenge’, and members may bring along models fitting its theme or meeting its criteria — these Challenges are a great way to encourage members to think out-of-the-box and come up with some unique models!

If you would like more information about the club, please contact me or just turn up at one of our meetings or events if you’re curious and are thinking of joining us.

We look forward to seeing you!

Chris Warrell
Founder and Secretary