August 1978 Newsletter

August 1978 Newsletter cover

August 1978 Newsletter
Issue 9

July 1978 Meeting

This was one of our informal quarterly meetings where our members showed off their latest Meccano creations.

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Woolwich Memorial Hospital Fete 1978

On the afternoon of Sunday 30 July the club held its first exhibition which was at the Woolwich Memorial Hospital fete. For some reason our models were required to be there two hours before the start which was unfortunate since it was raining and we had no shelter. As luck would have it David Whitmore arrived with a large plastic sheet so some form of awning was rigged up which ensured that we would not have to pack up before time.

Members of the public were most interested in the models and many were amazed at what could be built — some did not even realise that Meccano was still made. One person said that he might be interested in joining the club and two or three others wanted to sell Meccano.

I think everyone who brought models agreed that it was a very successful event and I would like to thank all those who attended, or supplied models, for supporting it.

Here is a list of the models on show:

Adrian Ashford — Routemaster bus; Automatic reversing diesel locomotive; Fire escape; Part-completed fire engine.

Stan Bedford (not present) — Twin cylinder motorcycle engine from № 10 set instructions.

Geoff Davison — Electric tram; Small-scale car; Milk float, German rail gun.

David Smithers — Display of small pre-war models in 1977 colours.

Chris Warrell — Container crane.

David Whitmore — Darby-Savage digging machine.

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